Monday, August 4, 2008

Good to be home

Oh, boy, is it ever good to be back. Even though our apartment looks like this:

While I was gone, Aaron got the unenviable job of moving all our stuff to another apartment just up the block. (While I was waiting to hear about a job, they rented our old place out from under us). So I packed up everything I could before I left, and he just had to move it all, which was bad enough. But then the management company notified us 2 days before the move in that the owners had sold the apartment and would be closing within the month and the new owners wanted to live in it. So we got 60 days notice to find *another* place. One of my jobs today is to call the company and get a lease for another apartment 4 doors down so we can get moved next weekend. In the meantime there's been a lot of "Honey, do you know where the _____ is?"

Besides coming home to Aaron and Daffie, I was really looking forward to being in my own kitchen again and having my cooking limited only by my imagination. That's going to have to wait awhile, still, I guess. But it's still wonderful to be back to really clean clothes, 24 hour grocery stores, walking the dog, mexican food, and all the lovely mushy stuff that comes with rejoining a loved one after 2 months away.
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