Sunday, November 2, 2008


Or, in English, National Blog Posting Month.

The idea is to kick-start your blogging by posting every day for the month of November. I'm going to give it a try! Expect to see lots of food stuff, since teaching is making me crazy and I don't want to rant rant rant. Aaron's gotten an earful today, which I will not repeat.

So! I'm still here! Friday was the departmental Halloween party, and a bunch of us went trick-or-treating at our professor's houses beforehand. That was a huge hit. Out of 10 professors, we ran out of time for the last three, and found 5 at home, so a pretty good ratio! Dr. Long had his light out and we debated for a while about knocking, but once we saw the flickering of the TV we knocked anyway. As he wasn't expecting visitors, he had no candy...but fixed us all gin and tonics instead! Who needs candy anyway?

So: here we are. The scary clown and the flapper! As we were driving around with Greg and Meg, Aaron hung his head out the window and squeaked a bike horn. Got some pretty good reactions!

Scary scary clown...and a cute flapper.

As soon as I get the pictures edited, I'll get them up on Flickr.

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